Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First of many (hopefully) to come...

Yes, the title almost sounds like a warning, but I, more than anyone else, would do well to treat it as one, lest I fail in pursuing even one of those very few things that seem of interest to me amongst most others to which the general attitude is, well, indifferent.

Always did wonder though, what is it that stops me from doing what I thought was something I always wanted to do, something that gave me immense thrill n pleasure the few times that I did give it a try. And have never quite found the answer so far. Nor do I know what's got me to finally try and put down the innumerable thoughts that engulf the inside of this reticent exterior.

Just glad that it's finally happened, and hopefully can be sustained. Maybe was just meant to be, and hence the chosen name for the blog - Maktub.

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